Phase 3 - Overview

Here are all the steps of your Scale phase.

Sara Foschini
Written by Sara FoschiniLast update 5 months ago

In this phase, you will use your learnings, talented managers, and early adopters to support your organization's broad-scale enablement of Timeneye.

In this phase, you trace the steps taken in Phases 1 and 2, but on a bigger scale.

If you are not ready to onboard the whole company yet, you could proceed department by department.

You will complete the following steps as you prepare for continued business engagement regarding your organization's use of Timeneye:

  1. Define outcomes and measure success

  2. Expand your governance and information management policies

  3. Expand your implementation team

  4. Monitor usage and gather feedback

  5. Create a company-wide report

  6. Let us know how it went

Next: Review your success criteria & governance policy

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