Managing your team and inviting new users
Here is how to manage your team members, effortlessly bring in new users, and seamlessly handle time and activities.
As an Owner or Admin, you have access to the Team section, where you'll find a comprehensive list of your team members.
This list includes their name, invitation status, role, and the number of projects they're involved in.
If you want to add more information to this table, simply click on the gear icon and choose the columns you wish to include, such as the Group they belong to or their hourly rates.
Inviting new team members
If you are an Owner or an Admin of the workspace, adding users to your team in Timeneye is incredibly simple. Just click on the New Team Members button located in the top right corner of the Team section.
You have the option to invite them in bulk from your Microsoft or Google account, or through email. If you choose the latter, a dialog box will appear where you can enter the new user's email address and name, and assign them a role and project in Timeneye. You can also invite multiple users simultaneously.
Once invited, they will receive an email invitation containing an activation link to join your workspace. You can easily monitor the status of their invitation from the team members list. If the invitation is still "Pending," it means that the person has not yet joined your workspace. To re-send the invitation, simply click on the envelope icon next to it and send it again.
Once your colleagues have successfully joined, their invitation status will change to "active."
Important note: Please note that Timeneye does not currently support a multi-account feature. Therefore, you are unable to invite a new user to join your team if their email address is already linked to another Timeneye workspace. To resolve this issue, you have two options:
Ask the user to delete their other Timeneye workspace. However, please be aware that doing so will result in the loss of all data from their previous account.
Invite them by sending the invitation to a different email address.
Managing users profiles
By selecting a user's name, you can access their user profile. Here, you have the option to add their job title and assign them a specific role. Timeneye provides three main roles: Owner, Admin, and member.
Owners hold the highest level of permission within the Timeneye workspace. They have access to all functions and views, including managing payment and subscriptions, as well as the ability to delete the entire workspace.
On the other hand, Admins possess all the same functions as the Owners, except for managing payments and subscriptions and deleting the workspace.
Members can track their own time and manage their personal settings and integrations.
If you would like to learn more about roles in Timeneye, please read the article Users roles: who can do what?
You can also assign team members to a Group. It is important to note that in Timeneye, a member can only belong to one Group at a time.
If you are interested in learning more about Groups in Timeneye, please the article Setting up Groups.
Additionally, you can set an hourly rate for billing purposes and an hourly cost to monitor internal budgeting.
Finally, you have the option to add their daily capacity.
Within the Projects tab, you can view all the projects your team members are involved in. Furthermore, you have the ability to designate them as Project Managers for those projects.
Project Managers have the authority to carry out management functions and generate reports, but only for the active projects they are responsible for.
Bulk edit members
By selecting the checkbox next to a member's name, you have the ability to perform multiple actions at once, such as adding them to a group or a project.
Additionally, this feature allows you to deactivate members who are no longer a part of your workspace.
If you ever need to reactivate a member, simply filter for "deactivated members" and activate them again.
Monitor the team's progress
If you want to keep an eye on how your team is doing with a specific project, simply go to the project detail page and switch to the Team tab.
In this section, you'll get a detailed overview of the team members involved, along with the time and money invested in the project.
Click on Edit Team to make any necessary changes to user details and allocate a time budget for the project.
Lastly, if you're interested in generating a productivity report and gaining valuable insights into your team's performance, head over to the reporting section and start a "team report."
This report can be customized according to your desired time frame, allowing you to apply filters, incorporate widgets, and organize data in a way that suits your needs.
To see this feature in action, check out this video tutorial:
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