How do you know if your teammates use Timeneye, and what do they think? Ask them!

Once everybody completes onboarding, you should see your colleague's names and avatars appear on the Dashboard. You could monitor their real-time usage from the Teams section and allocate an hourly budget to each for more accurate profitability calculations.
Despite tracking time being very easy, some people might need help getting into the routine. Leave at least 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the company size, for everybody to get acquainted with the new software. Also, you could set automatic reminders and recap emails for your employees.
In the first few weeks of usage, some issues might emerge, so make sure to address them promptly and make the necessary adjustments to your workspace.
If necessary, consider organizing a video demo with your champions and streamlining all potential friction points or simply gathering feedback on this experience.
In case of a technical issue or to request a feature, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at
Gather feedback with a quick survey
Toward the end of your trial period (1 or 2 months), send out a survey to your team to gather more insights about this experience.
A good survey should be quick: at most 2-3 minutes to complete. Most of the questions should be closed questions, and maybe leave some open questions to allow a more elaborated answer on complex topics.
Before starting, list the survey’s goals and write down some questions according to those objectives. We can provide you with an example of an end-of-the-trial survey, but we would recommend using it as a starting point for more tailored research.
If this is your first time using one, there are plenty of survey tools on the internet (some are free), like Microsoft Forms, Google Forms, Typeform, Hubspot, and SurveyMonkey.
Allow one whole week for everybody to complete the survey. When you have a good response percentage, start analyzing the results. What went well and what didn’t? What’s the overall reaction? Is there anything that could be fixed or improved before the org-wide deployment?
For example, in case one of the recurring types of feedback is that there wasn’t enough training before starting using Timeneye, you could consider organizing more video demos, for smaller teams, with smaller chunks of information and more often.
This is an example of a precious insight that will save you from a bigger headache down the road.
As a final step, we suggest you create a document with all the insights you could gather from this survey and organize a meeting to present it to the stakeholders. Together, you could decide on actions to streamline the whole process.