Run another org-wide report and gather valuable insights about your team's productivity and efficiency.

When the first month comes to a close, do another report like the one you did at the end of the pilot. Use one or more of our report templates to understand the productivity and effectiveness of your team. Then compare the data with the goals you gave yourself and the team, and you’ll know if they were met.
Share the results with the rest of the team, and don’t forget to praise any positive effort.
Compare the analytics between the first and latest reports: do you notice anything different? Is there a department that performed better than others? What projects and tasks took most of the time? Is your team overworked? The time audit will open your eyes to all these aspects- and more.
To make sure that, from now on, you will run a report regularly, read this article about How to schedule reports
Additional resource: How To Audit Your Team’s Time And Measure Productivity
Now you should be armed with an enterprise-wide (or department-wide) report with a high-level overview of your business performance regarding time management. Share your findings with the key decision-makers in your organization, in order to discover hidden trends, anomalies, and opportunities.
What are the main benefits of accurate enterprise reports?
Better and more focused business intelligence
Gather actionable insights
No more “guestimating” the amount of time required for a task or project
Take data-driven decisions
Transparent clients billing
Clear workload distribution
Just to name a few!
Keep things simple when presenting your results: export your report as a PDF file and incorporate it into a slide deck showing your findings and next steps.
Ultimately, having access to company-wide productivity reports means you can take action to make work more efficient. Once you take action, you will be able to visualize the impact of these changes in your next report and allow you to constantly evaluate your team’s performance.
Let us know how it went 😉
Congratulations on completing your Deployment Journey!
We hope it has been a fun ride and that you gathered some useful information along the way for the further development of your company.
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