Tags and Tag Lists

Learn how to tag your time entries for a more accurate time categorization.

Sara Foschini
Written by Sara FoschiniLast update 1 month ago

Tags are a useful tool for accurately tracking your time. They allow you to easily organize and categorize your time entries. By using tags, you can ensure that your time tracking is more precise and efficient.

Owners and admins can manage and create tags from the section Data management>Tags.

Create a new tag list

Tag lists are an excellent tool for standardizing reporting and tracking the time and cost of various activities in your projects. The structure of your tag list will depend on the nature of your business. For instance, if you are a software company, you can create a tag list called "programming" and include tags like "bugs," "testing," or "code review." For other types of businesses, you can use tags to categorize your administrative tasks or even by location if you have multiple branches.

To add the necessary tags to your team's time entries, simply follow these steps:

  1. Click on the 'Add new tag list' button to create a new tag list.

  2. Give your list a name.

  3. Save it.

Congratulations! You have successfully created a tag list!

Note: Since you can’t track time on an empty tag list to a project, you’ll need to add at least one tag to your tag list.

Create a new tag

Tags are a subcategory of the tag list they belong to, providing more detailed information. They play a crucial role as your team logs time using these tags, enabling you to generate a comprehensive report in Timeneye.

To create a Tag, simply follow these steps:

  1. Click the '+ Add New Tag' button to create a new tag.

  2. Give your tag a name.

  3. Save it.

If you are unsure about which tags to create for organizing your workspace, we recommend trying out our templates. Our Tag List presets are already categorized into departments that are commonly found in businesses, such as "finance", "marketing", and "hr". These presets can offer guidance and suggestions to assist you in getting started.

How to assign tags to time entries

You can assign one or more tags to a time entry.

  1. Open the Register time dialog;

  2. Select your project and phase;

  3. Click the Tag's field, and the platform will show you the tags from which you can pick the ones you need;

  4. Then, save your time entry or start the timer.

After creating the entry or starting the timer, the tags associated with it will be visible on the card.

How to associate tag lists to a specific project

When creating a new project, in the Tags section of the dialog, you will be presented with 3 options:

Selecting "no tags" means you don't need to tag time entries on that specific project so the tag field will be disabled in the Register time.

By selecting "All tags," you can effortlessly add all existing tag lists to the project, as well as any future tag list you create, without the need to individually edit each project. This feature is incredibly beneficial if you anticipate the need to add tag lists in the future and want to save time on project editing.

If your workspace already has numerous tag lists, you have the option to use "Select tags" instead. This allows you to choose a specific number of tag lists that should be applied to the project. By doing so, your team won't have to search through an extensive list of tags to find the ones that are relevant to their specific projects.

Note: in Timeneye, tags are global for the entire account. If you create a new tag list while working on a project, it will automatically be added to any project that has "All tags" selected.

To edit the tag lists or tags used in a specific project, simply navigate to the "tags" tab on the project detail page. Here, you can easily add or remove tag lists or tags from the project.

Required tags

When creating a new project, you can also require at least one tag to be used for each time entry when logging time by checking the box under the option “all tags”.

By project

By managing tags at the project level, you can ensure that entries are never left untagged without drowning in a sea of tags. To do this, navigate to the Tags tab on the project detail page and click on the blue "edit tags" button located at the bottom of the tags table. Here, make sure to select the "Select tags" option and then toggle on the desired tag lists that you wish to mark as "required".

Note: when tags are required for a project, you will be unable to save your entry until the necessary tags have been applied. This way, everyone involved in the project will only be able to view and utilize the specific tags that you have specified.

Archiving Tags

A well-organized workspace is crucial for maximizing productivity. By archiving tags, you can easily maintain a clutter-free tag list without losing any valuable information about how those tags were previously used. This feature ensures that your workspace remains clean and accessible, giving you the green light to log those hours effectively!

To begin, simply navigate to Data management > Tags, where you'll have the option to archive individual tags or entire tag lists by clicking on the archive icon next to them.

Once a tag list or tag has been archived, you can easily restore it later by clicking on the "un-archive" icon.

There are some great advantages to archiving tags instead of deleting them: for example, after a tag has been archived, it won’t be removed from any entries it has been added to. This means that archived tags will continue to show up on reports as well, even though they aren’t currently in use.

At the same time, all new entries you create won’t show any archived tag lists or tags, allowing you to work with the tags you need going forward.

Note: If you no longer need to use a tag for a specific project, we recommend archiving it instead of completely deleting it. The latter will prevent you from being able to view historic entries using that tag or see the tag on old reports.

Deleting tags

If you have no plans to use certain tags in the future, we recommend archiving them. This allows you to preserve past tag data while keeping your tag lists organized. However, if a tag serves no purpose or causes errors and confusion to your team, you have the option to delete it, after it has been archived.

Once a tag is deleted, it will be removed from all entries it was applied to. If the deleted tag was the only one assigned to an entry, it will be categorized as "Untagged" in your reports.

Note: once a tag is permanently deleted from Timeneye, it cannot be recovered.

Reporting with tags

When creating a report, you have the option to include a widget for your tag lists and tags. Simply click on the grey "+" button and select Tag List. From there, you can choose to display your overview in three different layouts: list, pie chart, or area chart.

In the table widget, you can personalize your table by clicking on the small gear icon and selecting the data you wish to add.

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