As you prepare for your scale implementation, you should revisit and expand your previous success criteria and governance decisions.

For every product, service, or business scenario you improve, it is critical to define what success looks like for your business. In Phase 1, you identified the areas of improvement that a time tracking tool might touch. As you prepare for your scale implementation, you should revisit and expand these important success criteria.
Here are some relevant areas where you should see improvement:

Once you've selected your enablement strategy, you'll be ready to revisit and scale the governance decisions you made in Phase 1. Revisit decisions 1 through 4 from the Governance quick start to expand these policies in alignment with the business users who will be using Timeneye.
Tip: Don’t introduce the tool in critical moments of the year, like near major deadlines or similar. Time tracking will likely become an afterthought, and you’ll risk sinking the effort.
In our experience, it’s better to take advantage of downtime in the company to introduce a new tool. Otherwise, time tracking will appear as an added complication to your team’s busy workdays.