Entering time manually

Here is how to manually enter your working time on your project. Let's set it up!

On Timeneye, you can track time by manually entering how long you have worked. If you are used to filling your timesheets at the end of the day, the week, or the month, this solution will work best for you.

Click the blue + Register Time button on the left sidebar menu to register your time entry. The button opens the Register time dialog.

  1. Select a Project

    Projects are compulsory to track time in Timeneye. You can pick a project from the list under the Projects box. If you want to create a new project, click on Create New Project and fill in all the project information;

  2. Select a Phase
    Phases, too, are compulsory to track time, so make sure to have at least one phase for every project. When you have selected the project and phase, the system will save your time entry accordingly;

  3. Enter the time (h; mm);

  4. Select the date (dd;mm;yyyy);

  5. Click on Save entry.

    Hooray! The entry will be automatically saved to the correct date and project.

PRO tip:

If you double-click on the card of a day's task on the calendar, a Register Time dialog will automatically appear, and you can start tracking your time.