The Entries Log section: how to edit and manage time entries

Learn all the things you can do in the small but powerful Entries log: editing, mass editing, billable management, exporting, and more!

In Timeneye, the Entries log is a dedicated section designed to enhance your time entry management. This section is packed full of features, so keep this guide handy as a valuable resource whenever you need assistance with managing your time entries!

Where to find the Entries log

You can easily access the Entries log from the Main menu on the left:

entries log in menu

By clicking the Entries log icon, you'll open a list of time entries. The list is presented to you unfiltered, with all the time entries tracked.

Please note: Your access to time entries in the Workspace may vary based on your permission levels. For instance, standard members might not be able to view all recorded time entries. To learn more about permissions and how they work, we recommend checking this guide.

For each time entry, you can view the total duration tracked, along with the associated project and phase, as well as the individual who recorded it.

open entries log (1)

If additional details, such as tags or notes, were included, or if the entries belonged to a billable project, this information will also be displayed. You have the option to scroll through the list of time entries or utilize filters to narrow down your search based on specific criteria, as detailed in the following section.

How to sort out time entries entries

By clicking the top right on the Show Filters button, you'll see a new section appear on the left.

entries log filters

To sort out your entries you can select the following filters:

- Basic Filters: Timeframe (both pre-selected templates, or custom), Team Members, Projects, Phases, Clients, Billing Status (includes Any, Billable, Non-billable, Billed, Unbilled);

- Advanced Filters: Groups, Phase categories, Tags, Tag lists, Notes and integration info

As you apply each filter, the time entries list will automatically refresh, displaying only the entries that match your selected criteria.

How to edit Time entries

Editing time entries is a primary benefit of using the Entries log. By viewing your entries in a list format, you can easily avoid navigating through the dashboard calendar. Additionally, the filtering options enable you to quickly locate the specific entries that require edits.

How to edit entries individually:

Hover your mouse over the entry you wish to edit, then click the pencil icon.

editing entry

This action will open a dialog box where you can modify all details associated with the entry.

How to edit multiple entries:

You have the option to select multiple entries for batch editing, rather than updating them one by one. The mass edit feature enables you to modify specific details across the selected entries, such as Team Members, Project, Phases, the Date they were recorded, and their Billable status.

Select the entries you want to edit using the checkboxes provided. If you wish to select all entries at once, simply use the checkbox located at the bottom of the list. Once you've made your selections, a new light blue section will appear on the left, offering various editing options for the chosen entries. After making your adjustments, be sure to click the "Update entries" button to save your changes.

mass editing entries

How to move entries to another Project/Phase

  1. Start selecting the entries you need to move to the different projects;
  2. Go to the light blue section on the left;
  3. In the Project field, select the project you need to move the entries to.
  4. Select a phase as well.
  5. Click Update Entries to confirm.

move entries to project

How to change the Entries' billable status

  1. Start by accessing the Entries log. Use the filters on the left to select entries associated with billable projects. Alternatively, you can use the Billable status filter to sort out entries according to their status as Billable, Non-billable, Billed, or Unbilled.billable entries filters
  2. Select the entries you need to edit;
  3. In the light blue section on the left, select a new billable status.

For more information on how to manage and track billable projects (Time&Material projects) in Timeneye, please check out this guide.

How to export a list of time entries

Timeneye securely stores your team's time tracking data for reporting purposes. If you need to export this data for internal analysis or to share it with clients and stakeholders, you can easily do so by clicking the Export button located at the bottom left.

For further details on the export feature, please check this guide.

How to delete multiple time entries

Please note that deleting time entries in Timeneye is a permanent action; once deleted, these entries cannot be recovered. Before proceeding with deletion, it is advisable to create a backup of your time entries by utilizing the Export time entries feature mentioned earlier.

  1. Select the time entries you wish to delete;
  2. In the light-blue section on the left, look for the Delete selected entries option;
  3. Check the option and then click Update Entries;
  4. You'll be asked for further confirmation before deleting, but once you've done that, the entries will be permanently deleted.

delete entries