Timeneye Vocabulary

In this Vocabulary, you’ll find a list of Timeneye features and elements to help you understand how we name things inside Timeneye.

Andrea Ognibene
Written by Andrea OgnibeneLast update 1 month ago


The Dashboard is the core of Timeneye: this is the place where you can control everything that happens in your workday. Here you can see your registered time for each day of the week, edit your time entries and start tracking time using the Register Time button. You will find a Personal Recap where you can monitor your work effort in a specific timeframe and your personally assigned budget for every active project.

Register time

In Timeneye, it’s possible to manually register time or start a timer to track the effort for a specific task in real-time. To start registering time with Timeneye, you’ll need to click on the Register Time button located in the top bar: this will open the Register Time dialog.

Alternatively, you can also open the Register Time view by double-clicking on any day in the calendar.

Time Cards

Active Timers and Time Entries appear as time cards inside the Calendar.


Active timers have a clock icon to help you understand that they are still pending and not actual time entries. Active timers stand out and have a green blinking dot so that you know at a glance what you're working on.

Time Entries

Time entries appear as full cards inside Timeneye.


Phases are key elements of every project as they help you to break single projects into smaller chunks. They are sub-projects and give you a detailed project overview in the Project section. You can create those when you set up a new project or from the Project Edit view.

Create project dialog_phases

Phase Categories

Phase categories are used to collect Phases in larger groups that can be used within the project to identify common working areas and make them recognizable inside “Reports.” Phase Categories can be used across projects as they work as tags to be assigned to individual tasks.

Entries log

The Entries log is a complete list of your time entries sorted by date, located on the sidebar menu on the left.

You can filter your time entries by clicking the Filter buttons. Just so you know, some filters may be blocked due to your permission levels.


The client is the person or company you are completing a project for. Admins can always manage, add and edit clients from the Clients section on the sidebar on the left.


Users are simply the members of your team. In Timeneye, there are three different types of users:

  • simple users

  • admins

  • workspace owners

All of these users can be assigned to specific project and group management roles, such as:

  • project managers

  • group managers

The features and views available change according to a user's permission level.

Invite new users to join your team from the Team management section of the workspace.


Tags can be assigned to time entries in Timeneye. An entry can be assigned one or more tags, which work across projects and phases.

Using tags is not compulsory, but we recommend it when creating very detailed timesheets and reports.

Every tag is grouped under Tag lists to make managing and categorizing their time easier.

Only owners and admins can create tags from Management>Tags

Billable Projects

In Timeneye, the projects that are considered billable are billed by the hour. This means that you assign an hourly rate (to the project, or individual users) and then you market the individual time entries as billed/unbilled, as your client pays you.

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